Learn the concepts of rhythm and beat and their use in music theory.
Rhythm is the organization of time in music, which determines the duration and strength relationship of notes.
Rhythm is one of the important elements in music, which determines the pulsation and dynamism of music.
In music, rhythm is composed of notes of different lengths and rest notes. A note indicates the length of time for sound production, while a rest indicates the length of time for no sound production. The combination of different notes and rest forms a rhythmic pattern, which can create different rhythmic effects.
The beat is the basic unit of time in music, used to divide the rhythm and beat of music. It is a regular repetitive unit in music used to organize and measure the length of time in music.
The speed of the beat is determined by the number of beats per minute and is represented by the musical term "speed", such as "fast", "medium", "slow", etc. The speed of the beat can be maintained consistently through the command of a metronome or conductor.